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Joint Secretary(Drawback)'s letters to the Chief Commissioners and Export councils for Input data

D.O.No. 604 (A)/4/2003-DBK

Joint Secretary(DBK)
Tel. No.23341079

January 7, 2005

Subject: Expansion of Duty Drawback Scheme – regarding

This is to inform that an exercise is under way in the Ministry to expand the scope and coverage of Drawback Scheme by way of including more items in the existing Schedule as also by providing duty neutralisation on all inputs that go into the manufacture of an export product. The Finance Minister has desired that the work be speeded up so as to complete the same within a specific time frame.

2. As you are aware, the drawback rates are worked out taking into account various parameters, including, inter-alia, prices of inputs, the incidence of duty, input-output ratio, share of imports in total consumption etc. Therefore, as a first step, a comprehensive list of various inputs used in the manufacture of export products has been prepared by the Ministry and the same is enclosed. In this connection, you are requested to kindly provide the information regarding production, imports and prices of inputs as per the Proforma enclosed. The detailed list of inputs in respect of which such information is required, may be down loaded from CBEC’s web site www.cbec.gov.in. Since the work is of time-bound nature, it is requested that the necessary data may kindly be furnished by 20th January, 2005.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

D .O.No. 604 (A)/4/2003-DBK

Joint Secretary(DBK)
Tel. No.23341079

January 7, 2005

Subject: Expansion of Duty Drawback Scheme – regarding

As you are aware, an exercise is under way in the Ministry to expand the scope and coverage of Drawback Scheme by way of including more items in the existing Schedule, as also by providing duty neutralisation on all inputs that go into the manufacture of an export product. The drawback rates are worked out taking into account various parameters, including, inter-alia, prices of inputs, the incidence of duty, input-output ratio, share of imports in total consumption etc. Therefore, as a first step, a comprehensive list of various inputs used in the manufacture of export products has been prepared by the Ministry and the same is enclosed.

2. In this connection, you are requested to kindly provide the information regarding production, imports and prices of inputs as per the Proforma enclosed. The detailed list of inputs in respect of which such information is required, may be down loaded from CBEC’s web site www. cbec. gov. in. Since the work is of time-bound nature, it is requested that the necessary data may be furnished by 20th January 2005. It may be mentioned that in the meetings held in this regard, the Councils were requested to furnish the necessary data, but so far no response has been received from the Councils.

An early response is requested in the matter.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Enclosure: As above.

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