PUBLIC NOTICE No. 68(RE-2007)/2004-2009 dated 12.10.2007
Guidelines for recognition of various Agencies and authorizing these agencies to issue Certificate of Origin (Non Preferential) - Appendix 4C
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-09, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby notifies the following Guidelines for recognition of various Agencies and authorizing these agencies to issue Certificate of Origin (Non Preferential) in Appendix 4C of Handbook of Procedure, (Volume-I)

(a) Applicant Chamber of Commerce, Industry Associations etc. must be registered as a Company, a Society or a Trust under the relevant Act of the Government and should not have been set up for profit. Proprietorship / partnership firms shall not be entitled for this recognition

(b) The applicant must have a minimum office space of 1000 Sq. ft.

(c) The applicant must have a minimum of 5 employees (excluding support in form of Group D employees) on its pay rolls. At least 2 of such employees should be technically qualified.

(d) The applicant seeking recognition should regularly be conducting export promotion activities and should present a proof of having conducted at least 3 events in one licensing year through some reputed agency of trade promotion..

Guidelines for the Regional Authorities to carry out inspections:

(a) The inspection shall be carried out by at least an officer of the rank of FTDO / Asstt. DGFT who shall be assisted by at least another official.

(b) The inspection report will precisely cover all the details given in the application form and verify the same before recommending enlistment.

(c) The inspection report will give the details of the Agency about meeting the criteria for enlistment as given in the guidelines.

2. All the agencies already enlisted for issuing a Certificate of Origin( Non Preferential) under Appendix 4-C are required to fulfill all the above criteria with documentary proof latest by 31.3.2008, failing with their recognition as authorized agencies to issue Certificate of Origin (Non Preferential) will be cancelled and they will be de-listed from Appendix 4-C w.e.f. 01.04.2008.

Director General of Foreign Trade and
Ex Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India

(Issued from File No. 01/94/180/143/AM07/PC-1) - India's Premier portal on DGFT matters