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PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 54    (RE-03 )/2002-2007 dated 28.2.2004
Withdrawal of DEPB rates on certain steel items


            In exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy, 2002-2007 and paragraph 1.1 of Handbook of Procedures ( Vol.I), the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in the Schedule of DEPB rate.


2.       Product Group: Engineering        Product Code: 61


The Serial numbers 67a, 67b, 67c, 85, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343,344, 345, 348, 349, 350,351, 352, 381, 386, 387,388,389, 390 and 391 are temporarily suspended. This suspension will be effective from 27th of March 2004.


This issues in the public interest. 





( F.No- 01/94/180/003/Am04/PC-IV/  )